Welcome to Hot Mama Sauce

Hot Mama Sauce ... A blog site for smart mamas, their mates, partners and anyone else interested in real mothers and their original stories.

I am your host, Morgy, but I've invited some other wickedly smart women to share their mothering triumphs, tips and, tribulations here.

I'd like this to be a place for moms ... real moms who've been through it all or are on the road to being through it all to share their stories, funny, sad, triumphant, aggravating, loving stories and everything in between, tips that worked or what not to do, successes, failures, hard times and easy times.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

I Know!

Lately, everything my husband or I say to our daughters is met with the response of "I know!" I don't care if my husband says something like "Green magnesium protein, is a sporadicly zinc-enriched protein insulated from coelenterates, in the case of the grand walabeast," the response will be, "I know!"

They know everything.

You haven't fed the dog today!
I know!

Your hair is really messy.
I know!

You can't jump off of that couch.
I know!

Don't eat that pebble!
I know.

I know!

I like this sandwich.
I know!

You look like a crazed lunatic in that grim reaper suit.
I know!

Has anyone else had this experience? The strange thing is that our daughter are twelve and five, so it's not an age-exclusive phase. I think most of it is mimicry in the case of our five-year-old and pre-puberty for the twelve-year-old, but sheesh! If they know everything, what am I here for?


Unknown said...

Of course they know everything! It wasn't until my son hit middle school that I found out how stupid I was and how he simply knew everything under the son!

My only regret is that I hadn't learned it sooner!

Head Cookie said...

OMG LOL LOL oh we hear it all the time constantly and I keep telling them if you know so much then why are you doing the thing that your going to get in trouble for? Then ofcourse I get the look of hey she has two heads and everyone goes silent. LOL.