Welcome to Hot Mama Sauce

Hot Mama Sauce ... A blog site for smart mamas, their mates, partners and anyone else interested in real mothers and their original stories.

I am your host, Morgy, but I've invited some other wickedly smart women to share their mothering triumphs, tips and, tribulations here.

I'd like this to be a place for moms ... real moms who've been through it all or are on the road to being through it all to share their stories, funny, sad, triumphant, aggravating, loving stories and everything in between, tips that worked or what not to do, successes, failures, hard times and easy times.

Monday, June 18, 2007


Hey all today was my oldest daughters graduation from the 4th grade into the 5th grade which will put her in the middle school and my middle daughter graduated from Kindergarten today. Both ceremonies were great and delightful. Well the 4th grade students got to go home after theres assembly in the early afternoon so we took her and the youngest of the girls out to eat where ever they chose and ofcourse would you believe McDonalds was the chose lol. So anyways we did that then had to go back for the kindergarten ceremony after that we got them all their Hermit crabs I have 4 children but let me explain although we bought 4 hermit crabs one of them is not for my youngest cause well he is just too young. The 4th hermit crab is for my friends daughter who I babysit for the whole summer. Well anyways we have the coolest Hermit crab home going on and pics will be posted soon. But I wanted to share with everyone their names. My oldest daughter named hers Dude he is rather large and very strong he has a pretty green shell. My middle daughters hermit crab is stargazer lilly and it is in a light yellowshell with rainbow painted on it, my youngest daughters crab is in a bright orange shell and she named it moonstar very cute. So I will keep you posted on our crabs. Very entertaining to say the least. Oh yeah the 4th crab will not be named until Wednesday when babysitting begins but that one is in pretty blue shell with a butterfly painted on it. Okay all take care.


morgetron said...

Are they stinky?

Head Cookie said...

No not really just have to make sure to clean them up and freshen their water sponges every couple of days or as needed. We love them lots of fun.