Welcome to Hot Mama Sauce

Hot Mama Sauce ... A blog site for smart mamas, their mates, partners and anyone else interested in real mothers and their original stories.

I am your host, Morgy, but I've invited some other wickedly smart women to share their mothering triumphs, tips and, tribulations here.

I'd like this to be a place for moms ... real moms who've been through it all or are on the road to being through it all to share their stories, funny, sad, triumphant, aggravating, loving stories and everything in between, tips that worked or what not to do, successes, failures, hard times and easy times.

Friday, June 29, 2007

Camping Dred

We just got back from a three-day camping trip to a nearby Nebraska State Rec Area (SRA). We swam, fished, rode bikes, walked, played with our dog, and my five-year-old developed the dreaded camping dred lock. When we camp, it is family time, and some of the day to day conflicts we normally engage in are thrown out the proverbial window in favor of conflict-free family fun. One such conflict is that of hairbrushing. My five-year-old would rather chew glass than have her hair brushed. She has naturally curly hair underneath and wavy on top hair. The curls tend to get really snarly, even after a normal day of wear and tear, so you can imagine what three days of wear and tear without a comb or brush in sight might look like. I'll take the imagination out of it and show you:

So, when we arrived home today I quickly dumped her into a tub of warm suds and immediately doused her in shampoo and then a nice large dollop of conditioner. With the conditioner still in, I combed from the bottom up. Surprisingly, the dred slid out nicely. I think we may make this a nightly bathing ritual. I braided it and VOILA! Good as new. Dred lock free hair!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Too funny Morgy!!