Welcome to Hot Mama Sauce

Hot Mama Sauce ... A blog site for smart mamas, their mates, partners and anyone else interested in real mothers and their original stories.

I am your host, Morgy, but I've invited some other wickedly smart women to share their mothering triumphs, tips and, tribulations here.

I'd like this to be a place for moms ... real moms who've been through it all or are on the road to being through it all to share their stories, funny, sad, triumphant, aggravating, loving stories and everything in between, tips that worked or what not to do, successes, failures, hard times and easy times.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

The Couch

Have you ever noticed that no matter how big the couch is, the kids smash in next to mama? This is a phenomenon I've noticed as of late. It's been occuring forever, but I just took note of it the other night. We were reading a book and despite the expanse, I was a mommy sandwich. I love it. These times won't last long.


V.A. Jeffrey said...

My niece does that to me!

Unknown said...

Unfortunately you are correct in that these times won't last long. Soon you won't be able to kiss them in the company of their peers.

~enjoy it now~